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Sixt Rent A Car - Miami International Airport- MIA
3900 NW 25th Street,407
Artikel-Nr. Kategorie Ort Datum Anspruch bis
20389469 Cosmetic / Makeup Bag n/a 9/20/2024 11/19/2024
20383923 Visa N/A 9/19/2024 11/18/2024
20382331 Keys FLRFVB60 9/19/2024 11/18/2024
20382327 Charger TXVKP1350 9/19/2024 11/18/2024
20379301 Identification N/A 9/18/2024 11/17/2024
20376195 Identification N/A 9/18/2024 11/17/2024
20376171 Eyeglasses N/A 9/18/2024 11/17/2024
20376147 Keys FLQMVH86 9/18/2024 11/17/2024
20376133 Keys NA 9/18/2024 11/17/2024
20368973 Pillow N/A 9/17/2024 11/16/2024
20368965 Pillow FLBN74BP 9/17/2024 11/16/2024
20364827 Keys N/A 9/16/2024 11/15/2024
20364697 Wallet N/A 9/16/2024 11/15/2024
20362665 Eyeglasses FL5653AP 9/16/2024 11/15/2024
20362633 Keys FLRFUH31 9/16/2024 11/15/2024
20360665 Bracelet FLLHPA59 9/16/2024 11/15/2024
20343833 Eyeglasses FLLKVA50 9/12/2024 11/11/2024
20335691 Keys FLLDWN93 9/11/2024 11/10/2024
20325401 Coat/Jacket N/A 9/9/2024 11/08/2024
20325089 Keys FL11DGTJ 9/9/2024 11/08/2024
20325073 Eyeglasses FLLHMA05 9/9/2024 11/08/2024
20310579 Ring N/A 9/6/2024 11/05/2024
20310561 Cellphone N/A 9/6/2024 11/05/2024
20310511 Eyeglasses N/A 9/6/2024 11/05/2024
20297785 Cane FLBZ54GM 9/4/2024 11/03/2024

The Lost & Found is located at 3900 NW 25th Street, #407, Miami, FL 33142. Hours of operation: 9am to 5pm, Monday through Friday. You are encouraged to report lost or misplaced articles using the link above.

Anyone wishing to claim property at the lost and found must provide a detailed description of the item, proof of ownership and valid ID or a Driver's License.

Found items are held for a maximum of 60 days.

Please note that Sixt Rent A Car is not financially responsible for lost items.

If you still have questions, please login to MySixt or contact customer service, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 855-739-3096.