
Automated lost and found platform can help Improve ridership loyalty for taxi industry.

Valued at $108 billion, the taxi industry continues to be the primary source of ride-hailing transportation worldwide. With technology-based competitors continuing to enter the market, it’s ever-important for the taxi industry to build customer loyalty any way it can.

Powering a streamlined and automated lost and found platform, Lost Returns helps the taxi industry reduce the significant effort typically required of traditional lost and found systems. A user-friendly experience allows passengers to report lost property through a simple to use web portal. Automatic phone, text, and email communications keep riders informed and quickly sends notifications of found belongings or other updates, without the need to expend valuable resources. Lost Returns additionally powers a seamless experience through the ability to process claims and facilitate returns by setting up return locations automatically.

With no additional overhead required, the Lost Returns lost, and found solution can reinforce passenger loyalty within a taxi industry facing increased competition.

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